Exportable Firewall and Layer 2 Firewall log entry fields

Firewall and Layer 2 Firewall log entry fields are described in the following table. Because the fields are exportable, the table includes the syslog export field.

Table 1. Firewall log entry fields
Field Syslog export field Description
Acknowledged ACK Acknowledged alert.
Action ACTION Action of the rule that triggered the log event. The action values are Allow, Discard, Refuse, Terminate, Wait for further actions, and Wait for authentication.
Alert Type ALERT Type of alert.
Auth. Rule Tag AUTH_RULE_ID Rule number of the rule that triggered the log event.
Auth. User AUTH_NAME User name of the authorized user related to this event.
Bytes Rcvd ACC_RX_BYTES Number of bytes received during the connection.
Bytes Sent ACC_TX_BYTES Number of bytes sent during the connection. The number of bytes sent is counted when accounting entries are created.
Component ID COMP_ID The identifier of the creator of the log entry.
Creation Time TIMESTAMP Log entry creation time.
Data Identifier LOG_ID Data Identifier of the log entry.
DSCP Mark DSCP_MARK The DSCP Mark associated with the traffic that triggered the log event.
Dst Addr DST Packet destination IP address.
Dst Port Dport TCP or UDP destination port in the packet header.
Elapsed Time ACC_ELAPSED Elapsed time of the connection in seconds. The elapsed time is recorded when accounting entries are created at the time of connection closing.
Event EVENT The event that triggered the log creation, for example, New connection, Connection closed, Connection discarded.
Event ID EVENT_ID Event identifier, unique within one sender.
Facility FACILITY Firewall subsystem that generated the log event.
FP situation FP_SITUATION Situation identifier of a matching fingerprint.
ICMP code ICMP_CODE ICMP code field. ICMP code provides further information about message type (for example, network unreachable). For more information, see RFC 792 and RFC 950.
ICMP ID ICMP_ID The ICMP identifier recorded by the engine when ICMP packets pass through the firewall. The ICMP identifier can be used by the echo sender to aid in matching the replies with the echo requests. For example, the identifier might be used like a port in TCP or UDP to identify a session. For more information about ICMP ID and the ICMP protocol, see RFC 792 and RFC 950.
ICMP Type ICMP_TYPE The ICMP type attribute ecorded by the engine when ICMP packets pass through the firewall.
IKE Cookie IKE_COOKIE IKE Cookie used in the VPN negotiation.
Information message INFO_MSG A description of the log event that further explains the entry.
IPsec SPI IPSEC_SSPI The IPsec Security Parameter Index (SPI) is the connection identifier of the IPsec connection. The IPsec SPI value is displayed as a hexadecimal number.
NAT Dst NAT_DST Translated packet destination IP address.
NAT Dst Port NAT_DPORT Translated packet destination protocol port.
Nat Rule Tag NAT_RULE_ID The rule number of the NAT rule that triggered the log event.
NAT Src NAT_SRC Translated packet source IP address.
NAT Src Port NAT_SPORT Translated packet source protocol port.
Priority QOS_PRIORITY The priority assigned to the traffic according to the QoS policy.
Protocol PROTOCOL Connection IP protocol.
Protocol Agent SRVHELPER_ID Protocol Agent numeric ID code.
QoS Class QOS_CLASS The Quality of Service class assigned to the traffic according to the QoS policy.
Reception time RECEPTION_TIME Time when the Log Server received the entry.
Round trip RTT Round-trip time for outbound Multi-Link link testing. Time indicated is from sending queries to the first reply. The unit is 0.01 seconds.
Rule Tag RULE_ID Rule tag of the rule that triggered the log event.
Sender NODE_ID IP address of the engine or server that sent the log entry.
Sender type SENDER_TYPE The type of engine or server that sent the log entry.
Service SERVICE Special field for filtering logs using the defined services. Does not appear in the log entry table.
Severity ALERT_SEVERITY Severity of the situation related to the log event.
Situation SITUATION The identifier of the situation that triggered the log event.
Src Addr SRC Packet source IP address.
Src IF Srcif Defined source interface number for the firewall cluster.
Src Port Sport TCP or UDP source port in the packet header.
Src VLAN SRC_VLAN The source VLAN ID number (up to 4095).
Syslog SYSLOG_TYPE Syslog is a system service used in some operating systems, for example, UNIX, and software packages. For more information about syslog and syslog types, see RFC 3164.
Type TYPE Log entry severity type.