Stream operations

Stream operations can be used to read data from the traffic stream.

The value returned by stream operations can either be written to a variable or used directly in an arithmetic operation. The stream operations are listed in the tables below.

Table 1. ASCII data variable expressions
Sequence Description
parse_dec(<length>) Parse ASCII decimal value. <length> is the maximum number of the characters to parse. The actual number of parsed digits is available in the variable $parse_length@32. If no characters could be parsed, then the variable is set to zero.
parse_hex(<length>) Parse ASCII hexadecimal value. <length> is the maximum number of the characters to parse. The actual number of parsed digits is available in the variable $parse_length@32. If no characters could be parsed, then the variable is set to zero.
parse_int(<length>) Parse ASCII value; parses hexadecimal if the string starts with "0x", octal if the string starts with zero ("0") and decimal otherwise. <length> is the maximum number of the characters to parse. The actual number of parsed digits is available in the variable $parse_length@32. If no characters could be parsed, then the variable is set to zero.
parse_oct(<length>) Parse ASCII octal value. <length> is the maximum number of the characters to parse. The actual number of parsed digits is available in the variable $parse_length@32. If no characters could be parsed, then the variable is set to zero.
Table 2. Miscellaneous input stream operations
Sequence Description
CRC(<length>) Calculates a 32-bit CRC value starting from the current byte up to number of bytes specified by the <length> parameter. This function can be used as a space optimizer for probabilistically matching against a specific large binary block by its CRC. The CRC used is the 32-bit CRC with polynomial 0x104C11DB7 (used for example in Ethernet).
skip(<length>) Skip <length> number of bytes.
regex(<regexp>) Launch an independent subexpression.

The binary data from the input stream can be read into variables with the following expressions.

Table 3. Binary data variable expressions
Sequence Description
parse_be@<size> Parse big endian value. <size> is the size of the value to be read in bits, and it can be one of the following: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 or 64.
parse_le@<size> Parse little endian value. <size> is the size of the value to be read in bits, and it can be one of the following: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56 or 64.

Example of parsing a value from the traffic stream

# This regular expression finds the string "&parameter1=", parses the 
# following three bytes as an ASCII decimal number, and writes the values 
# to the "var1@8" variable
# The regular expression matches only if the number is greater than 100
.*&parameter1=(?[var1@8=parse_dec(3), var1@8>100 -> sid()])