Example: archiving old log data

This scenario shows an example of archiving and deleting logs to free up disk space on the Log Server.

Old logs are taking up too much disk space on the Log Servers at Company A, but some of the logs are still needed for the company’s records. The administrators decide to archive the needed logs on another server and to delete last month’s log data from the Log Servers. Because not all old logs need to be archived, they delete the unnecessary logs. They want to repeat the same archiving operation once a month. The administrators do the following:
  1. Create an Archive Log Task for archiving the data with the following settings:
    Table 1. Archive Log Task for Company A
    Option Setting
    Time Range Last Full Month
    Filter for Copying A custom filter that matches the important log data that the administrators want to archive.
    Delete Other Data Match All to delete all last month’s logs from the Log Server.
    Archive Target Directory A network drive.
  2. Save the Archive Log Task.
  3. Create a Scheduled Task for running the Archive Log Task and set it to be repeated monthly.
  4. Save the Scheduled Task.