Start the Management Client using Web Start

After Web Start is installed or enabled on the Management Server, you can browse to a web page to start the Management Client.

Before you begin

There must be a current version of Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed. The required version is shown on the example logon page provided.

Note: If Web Start access is required through the firewall, you must allow these connections in the firewall policy. The connections are not allowed by default.


  1. In a web browser, browse to:
    http://<server address>:<port>

    Enter the port only if the server is configured to run on a different port from the HTTP standard port 80.

  2. (Windows or Linux) Click Start Management Client to download and start the Management Client.
    Web Start automatically checks if the version on the server is already on your local computer. If not, the new client is automatically downloaded to your computer. This check is done every time to make sure that the latest version is used.
  3. (Mac OS X) Download the smcclient.jnlp file.
    Open a terminal window in the folder where you saved the file, then run the following command:
    javaws -Xnosplash smcclient.jnlp
  4. When the Management Client starts, log on with your account credentials.