About this Help

This online Help was created for Forcepoint NGFW Manager and VPN Broker, version 6.9.0.

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You can get additional information and support for your product on the Forcepoint support website at https://⁠support.forcepoint.com. There, you can access product documentation, release notes, Knowledge Base articles, downloads, cases, and contact information.

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The following typographical conventions and icons are used.

Book title, term, emphasis Title of a book, chapter, or topic; a new term; emphasis.
Bold Text that is strongly emphasized.
User input, code, message Commands and other text that the user types; a code sample; a displayed message.
Interface text Words from the product interface like options, menus, buttons, and dialog boxes.
Hypertext A link to a topic or to an external website.
Note: Additional information, like an alternate method of accessing an option.
Tip: Suggestions and recommendations.
Important/Caution: Valuable advice to protect your computer system, software installation, network, business, or data.
Warning: Critical advice to prevent bodily harm when using a hardware product.