When you export a report file as a PDF file, a default template is automatically used for the report.
You can also import a Style Template for the report you are about to export.
Note: After exporting, check the result. If the report text or charts are placed on top of your template background, you might need to adjust the headers and footers in your template.
For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.
Configuration, then
browse to Monitoring.
Expand the Reports branch, then select History.
Double-click the report you want to export.
The report opens.
Select what part of the report to export:
- To export the whole report — Select .
- To export a section of the report — Right-click the section, then select Print section.
Select PDF as the Format.
Select a printing option:
- To open the PDF in your default PDF reader — Select Print to PDF reader.
- To save the PDF — Select Print to File, then browse to the location where you want to save the file.
(Optional) Select the Style Template.
If you use the default Style Template, you can select whether to create a portrait or landscape PDF. If you use a customized template, the orientation is defined in the template.
Click OK.
The PDF is generated.