When you export a report as an HTML file, a default template is automatically used as the background for the report.
If you have defined an export banner, the text of the banner is added at the beginning of the HTML file to indicate that the export
contains sensitive or classified data.
For more details about the product and how to configure features, click Help or press F1.
Configuration, then
browse to Monitoring.
Expand the Reports branch, then select History.
Double-click the report you want to export.
The report opens.
Select what part of the report to export:
- To export the whole report — Select .
- To export a section of the report — Right-click the section, then select Print section.
Select HTML as the Format.
Click Browse, then select where you want to save the HTML files.
Click OK.
The HTML files are saved in the defined location. The HTML report opens in your default web browser.